o u t d o o r
winter 2017
David Taylor
utumn, a time of mellow fruitfulness,
long evenings and that short journey
onwards to winter. It’s also the time
of the OWPG AGM weekend, a more
exciting event than Halloween and Bonfire
Night combined. This issue of OF is filled
to the brim with words and photos from
this year’s weekend, held at the Newlands
Adventure Centre in the Lake District. Find
out what OWPG members got up to over
the three days (spoilers, it involves rain,
gale force winds and waterproof clothing),
and - more importantly - see who came
away victorious at Saturday evening’s
award ceremony.
3 / Wordsmith
Kev Reynolds, the man with the
world’s best job, writes about
Octavia Hill, Champion of the
4 / Runner and Riders
Jon Sparks desribes a tough
photographic assignment and
how he overcame the various
challenges he faced.
6 / Book reviews
Roly Smith reviews David Bellamy’s
Arctic Light, Scrambles in
Snowdonia, Back Roads through
Middle England, and ASCENT.
8 / AGM weekend awards special
Twenty pages about the AGM
weekend at the Newlands
Adventure Centre in the Lake
District, including details of the
winners of the OWPG awards.
11 / Golden Eagle Award
Winner: Richard Fox
12 / Derryck Draper Award
Winner: Outdoor Design Logistics
13 / Guide Book
Winner: Kingsley Jones
16 / Outdoor Book
Winner: David Bellamy
18 / Outdoor Travel Feature
Winner: John Metcalfe
20 / Technical Feature
Winner: Chris Townsend
If you’d like to submit ideas for articles for the spring
issue please contact me for further details. The
deadline for all contributions is 15 February.
Cover shot
Chris Howes
Wading in an impressive upstream
section of Krem Sakwa (krem =
‘cave’), partly lit with underwater
fl ash. See more of Chris’s award-
winning portfolio on pages 22-25.
22 / Photography
Winner: Chris Howes
26 / Digital Production
Winner: Thomas Smallwood
1 Sunrise time 07.44
Sunrise direction 125° Sunset time 15.54
Sunset direction 234° JAN Sunset time 16.02
Sunset direction 233° 1 Sunrise time 07.38
Sunrise direction 117°
DEC 1 Sunrise time 08.06
Sunrise direction 128° FEB Sunset time 16.49
Sunset direction 243°
15 Sunrise time 07.59
Sunrise direction 128° 15 Sunrise time 07.59
Sunrise direction 124° 15 Sunrise time 07.14
Sunrise direction 110°
Sunset time 15.51
Sunset direction 232°
Sunset time 16.20
Sunset direction 236°
Sunset time 17.15
Sunset direction 251°
Sunset/Sunrise times and direction correct for London. Times in GMT
The Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild is the only UK-based association
of media professionals working largely or entirely on outdoor subjects. Our
members cover every fi eld of activity and all corners of the globe. They include
writers, journalists, fi lm makers, photographers, publishers and editors, all with a
passionate interest in the outdoors. For more information visit www.owpg.org.uk.
All images and text copyright the authors. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of
this material without express and written permission is strictly prohibited.
2 Outdoor focus | winter 2017
Editing/design: David Taylor
[email protected]
ISSN 2043-8591 (print)
ISSN 2043-8605 (online)