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New Members
Summer 2023
New Members Welcome Mary-Ann Ochota , Nike Werstroh and Chris Butter�ield to OWPG
Great Cumbrae / Useful information
A guide to the location of this year ’ s Big Weekend
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Revisiting the Pennine Way at 76 and 71
Gordon Wilson walks a familiar route …
You Might ( or Might Not ) Know … Chris Howes provides the answers to last issue ’ s quiz
County Durham Paddy Dillon takes a walk in north-east England
Book Reviews Roly Smith reviews the latest outdoor books
The Wadi Rum Trail Tony Howard describes the history and route of the Wadi Rum Trail
Castle in the Clouds Allan Hartley comes across an interesting tale at altitude
If you ’ d like to contribute to the next edition of Outdoor Focus please send an email with your article idea to davidtphoto @ gmail . com . The copy deadline is 15 August 2023 .
Cover Allan Hartley
Climber on the Wilder Freiger in the Stubai Alps . See Allan ’ s article on page 14 for more information .
The Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild is the only UK-based association of media professionals working largely or entirely on outdoor subjects . Our members cover every �ield of activity and all corners of the globe . They include writers , journalists , �ilm makers , photographers , publishers and editors , all with a passionate interest in the outdoors . For more information visit www . owpg . org . uk .
All images and text copyright the authors . Unauthorised use and / or duplication of this material without express and written permission is strictly prohibited .
Editing / design David Taylor ISSN 2043-8591 print ISSN 2043-8605 online
Mary-Ann Ochota
Mary-Ann is a freelance broadcaster , working across a range of formats – TV , radio and podcasting , and writing . Her background training is in anthropology and archaeology , training that heavily influences the subjects she chooses to write about . Her two most recent books have been about the archaeology you can spot in the landscape - Hidden Histories : A Spotter ’ s Guide to the British Landscape , and Secret Britain , both published by Frances Lincoln .
Mary-Ann ’ s other focus is on improving equity and inclusion in the outdoors . She is the Hillwalking Ambassador for the British Mountaineering Council , a member of the Natural England Landscape Advisory Panel ( NELAP ), advocating for the interests of countryside visitors , a Patron of the Tony Trust , which gives grants to youngsters wanting to take part in outdoor activity courses and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society . And this year , Mary Ann is the Patron for the Ridgeway National Trail ’ s 50th Anniversary .
In the words of Mary-Ann : ‘ As biogs generally demand , this is the “ polished ” version of my professional life . But I do plenty of pushing at doors that don ’ t open , saying yes to things with terrible fees because I have the freelancer fear that “ no ” means they ’ ll never ask again . I doom scroll instagram looking at everyone else ’ s fabulous outdoor lives , have done book events with three people in attendance , and I do my tax return in the panicky last week of January . If that rings true for others , then phew . We ’ re not alone .’ @ MaryAnnOchota / www . maryannochota . com
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