Outdoor Focus Summer 2019 | Page 11

Cooked sophisticated French philosophy t o gr o h (Left) Fell End, after rescue in raw format (Right) Recovery and Blacks are the sliders that retrieved the off -the-edges bits of the histogram raw or RAW? Since I’m being such a good Structuralist, I’m delighted to point out that there’s no such thing as RAW format. ‘RAW’ doesn’t stand for Reproduction As Was, or anything else: it just means ‘raw’. And you won’t ever fi nd a fi le coming out of your camera called IMG_102347123.RAW. Instead, every camera has its own unique and personal way of recording its unprocessed data. IMG_102347123.DNG from a Nikon, DSC00978.ARW from a Sony, and so on. If your editing software is slightly younger than your camera, then it’ll cope. If not then, very possibly, not. Adobe has a generic raw format called DNG for ‘digital negative’. There’s a free converter, which can change even the weird .RWL fi les from an early Leica digital into .dng. Quite likely the dng will then open in your favourite picture-botherer software. If not, perhaps in Photoshop. < The meal, on a winter evening at the Green Dragon (Wensleydale) was perfectly cooked. But the photo of it – given the tricky lighting and the bleached-out outdoors – that was better taken raw. summer 2019 | Outdoor focus 11