Outdoor Focus Spring 2019 | Seite 2

o u t d o o r FOCUS spring 2019 From the editor... David Taylor H ave you ever stopped to wonder whether a favourite hill is really a previously unclassifi ed mountain? What the most northerly spot in Britain is like during the dark winter months? Or even whether white is really white? Various members of OWPG have, and you can fi nd their answers in the following pages. You can also fi nd out more about Conway, one of OWPG’s Associate Members and publisher of books by OWPG members, such as Stephen Neale. If you’d like to contribute to the next edition of Outdoor Focus please send an email with your article idea to me at [email protected]. The deadline for copy is the 15 May. Taking note O n the facing page, James Forrest makes a compelling case that the OWPG advice notes are an invaluable resource for members. Now they’re even more comprehensive as Jon Sparks, with the help of Chiz Dakin, has just completed a revision of two of the specialist advice notes on photography. Workfl ow for Photographers explains the concept of Digital Asset Management (DAM), and covers techniques to make eff ective use of DAM software such as Adobe Lightroom. Tools of the Trade is a guide to the wide range of camera types that are currently available as well as their advantages and disadvantages. It also off ers advice on other types of equipment such as lenses and fl ash. Tools of the Trade is particularly useful to non-photographers who are about to buy their fi rst camera. Cover Long Crag in the Harthope Valley, Northumberland Contents 3 Just a click away 3 The Bonners tenner 4 The sceptics guide to e-bikes 7 Wordsmith 8 AWB – the Whites and Wrongs Need some specialist advice? James Forrest knows exactly where to look for answers Roly Smith looks in his wallet and spots a familiar face on a bank note Jon Sparks wonders whether an e-bike is truly a quantum leap forward Kev Reynolds meets Françoise Besson, who writes to save the world What do we mean by white? Ronald Turnbull searches the Alps to fi nd out 10 Does your mountain measure up? 12 Book Reviews 13 New members 14 Shetland 16 Our associate members John Nuttal takes a tape-measure up Miller Moss to fi nd out whether it’s just another hill or a mighty mountain Roly Smith reviews Fifty Years of Adventure, Photographing the Snowdonia Mountains, and four new Northern Eye books OF bids a warm welcome to Colin Speakman, Paul Richardson and Alex Roddie Terry Marsh braves the winter cold to travel to the UK’s most northerly spot An introduction to the companies and organisations that share our aims and values. In this issue: Conway 4 8 10 1 Sunrise time 06.45 Sunrise direction 101° Sunset time 17.40 Sunset direction 259° APR Sunset time 19.33 Sunset direction 279° 1 Sunrise time 05.32 Sunrise direction 64° MAR 1 Sunrise time 06.36 Sunrise direction 82° MAY Sunset time 20.23 Sunset direction 296° 15 Sunrise time 06.14 Sunrise direction 92° 15 Sunrise time 06.05 Sunrise direction 73° 15 Sunrise time 05.08 Sunrise direction 57° MAR Sunset time 18.04 Sunset direction 268° APR Sunset time 19.57 Sunset direction 287° MAY Sunset time 20.45 Sunset direction 303° Sunset/Sunrise times and direction correct for London. Times for April 1 onwards are BST The Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild is the only UK-based association of media professionals working largely or entirely on outdoor subjects. Our members cover every fi eld of activity and all corners of the globe. They include writers, journalists, fi lm makers, photographers, publishers and editors, all with a passionate interest in the outdoors. For more information visit www.owpg.org.uk. All images and text copyright the authors. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission is strictly prohibited. 2 Outdoor focus | spring 2019 Editing/design: David Taylor [email protected] ISSN 2043-8591 (print) ISSN 2043-8605 (online)