New members
Tom Richardson
After a Scottish and Alpine
apprenticeship, Tom Richardson
began climbing in the Himalaya
in 1979.
Since that time he has
climbed extensively around the
world and has been on twice
as many trips to the Greater
Ranges as his age. This includes
seven expeditions to 8000m
peaks across the Himalaya
and Karakoram, both leading
commercial groups and climbing
with friends.
His favourite trip is, he says,
usually the one he has just
come back from, irrespective
of whether it is from a remote
corner of Mongolia or Pakistan
or leading a commercial group
on a Trekking Peak in Nepal.
Tom is married to Janet and
lives in Sheffi eld, England.
John Sutcliff e
I was born in Doncaster in 1944
and spent most of my childhood
in the Yorkshire railway village
of Hellifi eld. My freedom to roam
alone from the age of nine or ten,
and my love of the countryside
that developed in those early
years was a big infl uence in my
later life.
I studied geology at the
Royal School of Mines, Imperial
College, London. This led to
a career as an exploration
geologist in the minerals
industry mainly running copper
and gold-silver exploration
projects in the Americas, Europe
and the Middle East. In more
recent years my work has focused
on the Andean countries of
South America. I am now ‘semi-
retired’ in the Yorkshire Dales,
wondering what to do next. . . .
David Clarke
It was not until early retirement
that walking became more than
just stress relief and a move
to the south coast gave me the
opportunity to discover and
explore South East England.
After a visit to Battle Abbey
the germ of an idea began to
grow - to follow King Harold II’s
route from London to the Battle
of Hastings – and ‘1066 Harold’s
Way’ was born and it kick
started a new walking, talking
and writing ‘career’. This year,
1066HW is being re-walked and
revised for a proposed updated
second edition.
My aim is to encourage and
inspire walkers to explore and
discover the South-East of
AGM weekend 2018
Keep the weekend of 12-15
October free for this year’s OWPG
AGM weekend. It’s the turn of
the South West of England to
host the event this year. Centred
around the Simonsbath House
Hotel, there will be a choice of
hostel or hotel accommodation.
More details, including booking
information, to follow.
spring 2018 | Outdoor focus 3