Outdoor Focus Autumn 2018 | Page 11

OUR ASSOCIATE MEMBERS In our new series, the companies and organisations that share our aims and values introduce themselves. Until 1999 Aquapac was actually called Aquaman. It all began in 1983 with three guys chatting in a London pub and the story goes that one of them said: “Hey, wouldn’t it be cool if you could listen to a Sony Walkman while windsurfi ng?” (both the Walkman and windsurfi ng were the latest thing back then). The next day they set about creating a waterproof case that would make it possible. They launched their Aquaman bag at the London Boat Show, and it caught the eye of a visiting American distributor of marine electronics. He asked if it might be possible to design a version to protect handheld VHF radios. This approach led to their fi rst VHF radio case - the AQ2 - which led on to a range of handheld VHF radio cases that boaters worldwide still rely on today. IT ALL KICKED OFF DOWN THE PUB! Not long afterwards some bright spark at Motorola invented the fi rst mobile phone. Naturally Aquapac didn’t hang around, becoming the fi rst company in the world to market waterproof cases for mobile phones. Soon Motorola was overtaken by Nokia as the world leader in mobile phones, and it wasn’t long before someone from Nokia was asking the team if they would make a custom case that Nokia could sell as an accessory. For several years Nokia was Aquaman’s best customer, buying hundreds of thousands of their cases. The Aquaman team then hired an industrial designer to help them develop an all-plastic seal to replace the original metal clamp. The new product was patented and christened the Aquaclip. Next, they added waterproof camera cases and waterproof wallets to the range. A lot of time and money went into developing colourful retail packaging. The new Aquapac line went down a storm, and soon Aquapac cases were to be found on the shelves of big boating and outdoor retailers all over the world. Around that same time the company name was changed from Aquaman UK to Aquapac International. SMART PHONE PEOPLE Internationally Aquapacs sell in more than 60 countries. To date they’ve sold over 5 million bags – not bad going for an idea someone came up with in a pub! The Aquaclip was selected as a Millennium Product at the turn of the century, and the company has won three Queen’s Awards for Enterprise. Aquapac is a member of the Outdoor Industries Association, and for some years now has supported the OWPG by sponsoring its annual travel guide prize. The range is still dominated by mobile phone cases but increasingly the emphasis has turned to larger bags such as waterproof backpacks and waterproof duff els. WHAT NOW? Aquapac doesn’t just supply consumers. Its bags have always been valued by emergency services from the London Fire Brigade to the Japan Coast Guard. Aquapac now off ers a 40% discount to Search & Rescue teams and the like. As indeed it does to all members of the OWPG! THE PROFESSIONALS’ CHOICE Aquapac off ers OWPG members a 40% discount on all their products. Details of how to obtain that, and the Aquapac contact point for OWPG members, are on our website at www.bit.ly/OWPG-Aquapac (linked from the ‘associate members’ page). When you access this, enter the general 2018 member password. Tim Turnbull | email tim@aquapac.net | telephone 020 7738 4466 website www.aquapac.net Aquapac sponsors the OWPG Guidebook Award autumn 2018 | Outdoor focus 11