NOV/DEC 2018
snapping away as they
come towards me. I’m look-
ing for that iconic shot I’ve
seen before in other maga-
zines. Just up the street
is some school buildings
and community buildings.
We walk around but don’t
find much to skate. Nacho
finds a big gap so he gives
that a bunch of ties even
though the danger factor
is very high. There are two
big banners attached to
fenced in buildings, “save
money, don’t smoke” and a
suicide hotline sign.
Around 4pm the Warm
Springs session ends,
hugs are in order and then
I head back the 50 miles
to Bend. That night TGR’s
new ski and snowboard
film was playing at the
Tower Theater so I rushed
Nacho and Daquan appear
to head back to Madras
being Saturday and no
school the next day. I can
only guess, back to the
skatepark to skate more.
When you’re a skateboard-
er the game never ends.
Sometimes a hard fall can
end the day or a broken
board. But in the life of
Nacho and Daquan the
session is everything.
Neil Korn
Above: Daquan pretty much owns the Warm Springs Skate Park.
Here he owns this backside air over the funbox.
Right: Don’t let this dark stare fool you. Daquan is beyond happy
when skating, and his dream of taking his skating elsewhere is a
bright star on top of a Warm Spring Butte.
Nacho ollies a homie-
approved stairset in