Outdoor Central Oregon Issue 15 | November/December 2019 | Page 38

38 NOV/DEC 2019 HEALTH| FILM| BY DR. OLIVER J. WISCO, DO, FAAD, FACMS WRITTEN BY CHRIS EDWARDS IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY IN BEND ROMANCE BY LEVEL 1 In today’s world, it can be challenging to understand what is healthy and what is not, with the excessive amount of misinformation available. There are ample “natural cures” or “healthy diets” that are typically expensive and do not have significant data to validate their claims. At the same time, we also live in a culture in which many believe surgery is the “cure all” or we should just be able to take a pill that fixes whatever ails us. So as we move into the colder months of the year, if you find yourself looking for that perfect healthy diet or are searching for that perfect balance of “healthy” products to help keep the inevitable winter weight off, maybe skip the high cost fads, do everything in moderation and just get outdoors and work your heart a little harder. And if you choose to go outside during the mid-day, please wear your sun protection and remember to hydrate! The reality is that there are no magic cures or quick fixes. There is only one way to be healthy – work hard at it. I am guilty too, as I openly admit that I despise vegetables, I work too much, and I never get enough sleep. So when I advocate for a healthy lifestyle, I realize that this is an aspiration that we must all constantly strive to achieve. Those of us that are lucky enough to live in communities that are heavily outdoor sport focused typically embrace this drive for a healthy lifestyle, particularly the advice around exercise. More and more data has shown that regular exercise is as close as we can get to the “magic pill” for almost all major diseases. For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends the following exercise guidelines: “For substantial health benefits, adults should do at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) to 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-inten- sity aerobic activity. Preferably, aerobic activity should be spread throughout the week. Adults should also do muscle-strengthening activities of moderate or greater intensity and that involve all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week, as these activities provide additional health benefits.” Over the last twenty years, Level 1 has curated some of the most innovative and exciting moments in freeskiing. From backcountry booters with Liam Downey and Craig Coker, to insane urban from Mike Hornbeck and Phil Casabon, to BC pillows with Thayne Rich and Wiley Miller, Level 1 has pushed progression and showcased the latest styles from nearly every corner of the sport. This year marks their final film, “Romance”, a movie that keeps up the tradition of innovation and pays homage to almost every skier to grace their movies. The movie opens with three of the most influential urban skiers, Mike Hornbeck, Phil Casabon and Tom Wallisch. These guys haven’t lost a step; though all three of them are in their 30s, they continue to push the envelope and show us fresh and creative street skiing. The movie continues, alternating between street and backcountry segments, with an onslaught of bangers and non-stop action. Duncan Adams scores some of my favorite shots of the movie in a segment shared with Parker White and Chris Logan, quickly fol- lowed by Wiley Miller and KC Dean slaying powdery dream spines (shot by Pete Alport). About the Writer: Dr. Wisco is a fellowship trained melanoma specialist and skin cancer surgeon (Mohs). He founded Dermatology Health Specialists in Bend and Sunriver and also cares for patients at Harney District Hospital. When not at work, he is likely on the trail, running or riding his bike with his family and friends. www.derm-health.com Though many of the jib segments started to blur together in the middle of the movie, one that really stood out for me was the stop motion segment from Sämi Ortlieb. While Ahmet Dadali and Will Wesson both had segments full of their signature bangers, the technical tricks and creative editing in this mini-movie makes it something truly special. The amount of extra work put in by filmers and editors to capture feature builds and tell a story with each shot does not go unnoticed and it is a refreshing artistic break from an otherwise action-driven storyline. Romance has plenty of nods to the veterans, but it ends by focusing on a slew of young talent. Keegan Kilbride, Laurent DeMartin, Colby Stevenson, Lucas Stål Madison (“LSM”), THE CIRCUIT BOULDERING GYM LEADING THE NORTHWEST BOULDERING SCENE since 2005 NEW BEND LOCATION COMING SOON! 63051 NE CORPORATE PL · BEND, OR | THECIRCUITGYM.COM /circuitboulderinggym 39 @thecircuitgym @thecircuitgym_bend and Lucas Wachs all have outstanding performances in the last half of the movie. While expectations may have been high for the local Lucas Wachs, his segment certainly made his hometown proud and the crowd was stoked. Opening with a stylish cork seven criti- cal off a natural hit, Lucas shows his impressive ability to stomp anything and everything throughout his rookie segment, ending with a couple of massive doubles and smooth switch landings. It’s really a shame that his first movie with Level 1 is their last as his smooth style, creative lines, and huge tricks seem to fit seamlessly into the rest of the film. Fitting this gigantic cast of skiers into one movie must have been a truly daunting task. Somehow, “Romance” is able to distill two decades of freeskiing history and dozens of vastly different skiers into one project. While it may not feel like the usual groundbreak- ingly progressive ski movies we have seen from Level 1, this film functions more as a retrospective, an ode to those that have been skiing and watching from the beginning. Though there are still tricks and lines that will blow the mind of any layman, even the salty thirty-something freeskiers out there will find it packed with nuggets of nostalgia that may make them want to break out their old, edgeless 1080’s and hit an urban rail again.