NOV/DEC 2019
Max Warbington has had a steady rise in
the snowboarding world. He started out
as a little grom coming up through the
ranks and he plans to keep riding hard
for a long, long time. Max didn’t start
snowboarding to become famous, he
started because it’s damn fun and that’s
what his sponsors see in him. His riding
style is all about fun and progression.
He’s not necessarily looking to win any
contests or go the biggest in the park.
Photographers want to shoot with him
and show his fun style, filmers want to
capture his runs and make great movie
parts, sponsors want him to wear their
product because they know he can
stoke out a crowd.
Back in 2017, Max joined the rest of the
GNU Snowboard team at Snoqualmie
in Washington for a spring photo shoot.
At the shoot the team manager told him
he was going to get a pro model for the
next season coming out in 2018. Max
was stoked to say the least and was
told to start thinking about what kind of
graphic design he would want on the
board as well as the shape. Max decided
to draw his own graphics and worked
with the design team at Mervin Manu-
facturing to come up with a fun board
that represented his riding style best.
Max calls the graphics that he designed
“Space Case” and completed them
under the watchful eye of Mervin’s chief
art director Shawn Bishop. It’s an Asym-
P: Pete Alport
P: Neil Korn
metrical C2X Freestyle park stick that can also shred pow with the best. The board is a
Banana reverse camber between the binding with camber in the noise and tail for kick. a halfway down zipper. And the pants have the old school look with knee pads patches.
Accessories include a line of hoodies of different designs and colors.
Next came the pro signature boots and outerwear. Max also helped design his signature
colorway for the Ride Fuse boots. The boots on the outside have regular laces but the
inside tongue is stiff with the dial system for a snug fit, good support but also really light
and very responsive carving or jibbing in the park. Max Warbington, along with his brother Gus, have their own signature event each spring.
The “Quarterpipe Camp Out” has taken place each May for the last five years and attracts
professional snowboarders from around Oregon, North America, and around the globe.
The QPCO is all about fun and progression. Riders are encouraged to bring their dogs. It’s
not open to the general public so you are going to need to show Max and Gus you can
throw down if you think you deserve an invite.
For outerwear, Max also helped with design and color scheme. He has worked with
Airblaster over the last couple seasons to create a pro model jacket and pants that match
his unique style. The design is fresh with throwback colors; the jacket is a pull over with
Look for Max Warbington’s new film Brain Bowl on www.youtube.com/tresquad.