Outdoor Central Oregon Issue 14 | September/October 2019 | Page 36

36 any other. Where else can you watch some of your favorite skaters battle it out in a 13ft pocket, mosh to the sounds of Figgy & Nuge’s band Arctic and skate for hours with friends from near and far? As if the skatepark’s massive terrain wasn’t enough, the Scotts brought the crew out to their compound for Sunday morning mimosas and possibly the most absurd dirt skating course that’s ever been built. Unfazed by the snowboard park sized features, countless riders fully committed to repeatedly rag-dolling themselves down the steep hills outside of Red’s home. We were left digging dirt out of our ears for weeks, but the memories will last us a lifetime. The organizers brought together for the simple pleasure of riding skateboards with friends, but it is far from simple to pull off an event of this magnitude. From all the attendees, we extend an enormous thank you to Lee Charon, Mark & Danyel Scott, Alex Foy, Zarosh Eggleston, all the volunteers and the whole NHS family for bringing so many people together for the love of skateboarding. SEP/OCT 2019 37