20 | OutBoise Magazine | NEWS
The Writers
One of the most difficult tasks, every month,
when it comes to putting together every issue
of our magazine, is deciding what, and who, we
plan to feature. Sometimes, a more difficult task
can be finding someone to take on the task of
taking on the challenge of writing an article that
fits within the theme, within the time frame we
need it by.
In the past 19 issues, we’ve been blessed to
have so many people dedicated to helping us
make this magazine happen. From stories on
local businesses, to features on great people
in the local LGBT community, we’re never short
when it comes to what we can talk about.
Granted, we have, on occasion, raised a few
eyebrows when it comes to what was written.
While we never want to turn someone away for
trying to help contribute, we also understand
who our audience is, and we try our best not to
drive them away.
All of these things are contributing factors
as to who we work with, and what content we
decide to publish.
Now, when the magazine began, we didn’t really have the focus and the drive we have today.
A lot of our stories came from each person’s personal perspective, and - for a while - that worked
OutBoisemag.com | Issue 19 | May 2016
to keep our readers around. As time has passed,
though, we’ve done our best to make sure we’re
constantly improving what we do.
While this can still be a challenge at times, we
always open the opportunity to rite for our publication to anyone who is willing and able. And
we’ve had some pretty fantastic people help us
out along the way.
Minerva Jayne
I invited Minerva Jayne to write for OutBoise
in our early months, as a way to help get the
word out about OutBoise. As a self-proclaimed
local celebrity, I knew her connections would, in
some ways, help grow our audience. I also knew
she was a talented writer and artist, and always
has a way of making anything sound good. So I
gave her the “Last Word.” Her column served as
a tie-up to the end of every issue in the first few
months, giving readers something positive and
uplifting to think about each time.
Minerva, has since, found a permanent position as Boise Weekly’s Advice Columnist, offering advice for “Those on the Verge.”
We appreciate all the work and the positivity
Minerva brought to OutBoise while she was with
us, ad appreciate everything she does for the