42 | OutBoise Magazine | NEWS
OutBoise.com | Issue 5.2 | March 2015
Advertising FAQs
OutBoise Magazine currently reaches an online community in over 44 countries, 450 cities worldwide,
and a majority of the United States. Our largest presence is maintained in the Pacific Northwest.
Since our website went live back in late August, we have had over 15,000 visitors to our website. Our
Magazine has received over 11,000 views.
Top 10 States:
1. Idaho (58.78% of audience)
2. Utah (8.99%)
3. California (4.69%)
4. Washington (4%)
5. Oregon (3.79%)
6. Arizona (2.03%)
7. Colorado (1.93%)
8. Mississippi (1.83%)
9. New York (1.76%)
10. Nevada(1.54%)
Audience By Age:
Top 10 U.S. Cities:
1. Boise (43.32%)
2. Meridian (8.28%)
3. Salt Lake City (7.11%)
4. Nampa (2.59%)
5. Seattle (2.54%)
6. Portland (1.9%)
7. Denver (1.59%)
8. New York (1.56%)
9 . San Francisco (1.47%)
10. Los Angeles (1.34%)
25-34 - 34.6%
35-44 - 23.84%
45-54 - 23.21%
55-64 -10.55%
18-24 - 7.81%
By Gender:
56.96% Male
42.04% Female
*Snapshot of demographics based on Age and
Gender are based on a snapshot of 500 individual
visitors to the site and do not necessarily reflect the
entire audience of our site and magazine.
56% of our audience is considered New Visitors
with 44% of our audience being retuning visitors.
Why Should I advertise in your magazine?
Advertising in OutBoise Magazine provides our
audience access to information about your business, and lets them know you support our local
LGBT community - A community that is in need of
knowing who is supportive of their efforts toward
March promotion:
50% Off Single-issue Price
Additional Free Month of Advertising for Multiissue Purchases!