March 2015 | Issue 5.2 |
NEWS | OutBoise Magazine | 19
In addition to the community
who testified as well. It took us nineand worldwide on LGBTQ equality,
grants the Pride Foundation offers, years, but we did finally get a pub-particularly same-sex marriage,
they also offer several academic lic hearing on this important bill
there’s still a lot of education that
scholarships, open to anyone
to protect LGBTQ Idahoans from needs to happen in the general
(LGBTQ and ally students) residing discrimination based on sexual
public, particularly regarding the
in our five-state region and seek- orientation and gender identity. transgender community.” he exing a post-secondary education Many legislators, for the first time, plained. “More and more trans
degree. They have over 50 differ- heard the personal stories of
folks are coming out now, which is
ent scholarship funds, with just one LGBTQ Idahoans who have been truly great, but there’s still a lot of
online application form. The appli- denied housing and fired from
bigotry and hatred out there we
cation cycle is open from mid-Oc- their jobs for just being who they
have to overcome. That’s particutober to mid-January. Funds are are. It was heart-wrenching and
larly true in more rural communiawarded in May for the following very personal – and I think some of
academic school year.
those Republican legislators who
voted no were still visibly moved.
I also think that some basic and
Martin, along with Emilie Jack- This hearing was a big step in the
non-biased public services, parson-Edney of Boise (who also
right direction.”
ticularly health care, are often a
sits on Pride Foundation’s board
huge challenge for the trans comof directors) represented Pride
Martin ensured me, that even
Foundation this legislative session though there are no further plans munity.”
on an Add the Words coalition, an to Add the Words this year, they
While Martin believes educaadvisory committee of like-mindedplan to continue their work in
organizations who have been
helping the bill pass in the future. tion and outreach will have a
big impact on helping change
strategizing about messaging,
“I think we’ll continue to have
talking with the media, coaching conversations with these legisla- the minds of many and help to
people on legislative testimony,
tors, and do more outreach to the improve the lives of members of
and getting the word out about general public to grow support
the LGBTQ community, he also
the bill hearing this session.
for this bill, and more education believes we must remain cautious.
about what it means to be gay
“The unfortunate truth is that even
This year marked the first time in and transgender, “ he said.
as more laws are passed protectnine years that the state of Idaho
“There’s unfortunately still a lot ing the LGBTQ community from
has introduced a bill to add the of mislaid fear and misunderstand- discrimination, discrimination will
words sexual orientation and gen- ing out there about who we are