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Winter Warm-up
Who can’t say no to an invitation to sample
some beverages? Me.
That is why, when I got the opportunity, and the
invitation from Angell’s Bar and Grill, in downtown Boise, I jumped at the opportunity. With my
trusty new photographer in hand, we went down
in December to find out what the fuss was about.
Now, mind you, this was the first time I, personally, have been invited in by a restaurant, or any
business, to come and review their menu.
As a small business owner, I was thrilled. Their
OutBoisemag.com | Issue 14 | January 2016
by Gary Simpson
Photos: Christian Mawson
staff was immediately courteous to us, and we
were greeted with genuine enthusiasm by the
owners, as well.
They were eager to show us David Shea’s new
beverage lineup for winter.
Shea is new to the Angell’s staff, hailing from
Portland. And in a few short months, has been
able to showcase his talents behind the bar.
Now, Angell’s is definitely not a gay bar. But,
they welcome anyone comes through their doors
and treats everyone with the same respect.