OutBoise Magazine - August 2015 | Page 7

7  |  OutBoise Magazine  | NEWS OutBoise.com | Issue 10.1 | August 2015 Publisher’s Corner I can’t believe how fast this year has been moving. And in my line of work, it always tends to move a bit faster. We, at OutBoise, always try to stay a month ahead of everything to make sure you’re informed for the latest information and events happening in the community. Now, lately, a lot of our work has been behindthe-scenes. We’ve had several staff changes, and we’ve shuffled writers around a little bit. Things tend to happen, especially since everyone has their own lives. I cant expect them all to be available all of the time. In fact, this past month and a half, two my writers were out of the country. And while I wasn’t sure if we’d make our deadlines, and the stress of the job was getting me down, I decided to distract myself with a bit of cleaning up. In the process, I was able to completely redesign our website, providing a new home for the news feed, the magazine, a brand new Community Resources page, and a newly redeveloped page for a Business Directory. All-in-all, this project took an incredible amount of time and effort, but the purpose was to make everything easy to find, and make it all look better. In the process, I also went back through EVERY issue of the magazine and cleaned them up. I took care of random spelling issues, and design flaws that I felt needed updated. And while it helped cure some of my OCD problems, it gave me less time to make sure everything tuned right. Thanks to all of the team’s hard work and dedication, though, we were able to successfully pull off a fantastic issue. You’re also going to notice some stories credited to Qsyndicate. They are an LGBT news wire service that we’ve had the opportunity to partner with, and they have helped us out in bringing in more content. Chris Azzopardi is the man behind all of that, and he is the man with access to many great celebrity interviews. So make sure to follow him, and Mikey Rox, as they put in a lot of hard work every month to ensure, not only OutBoise Magazine has content, but many other LGBT Publications across the country have the same help. There many BIG things coming from OutBoise, very soon. We hope you stick around to enjoy! Thanks! - Gary Simpson 瀀爀攀猀攀渀琀猀 䌀漀猀琀甀洀攀 䈀愀氀氀 吀䈀䌀 吀䈀䌀 䄀甀最甀猀琀 ㈀㈀渀搀 吀栀攀 䈀愀氀挀漀渀礀 䌀氀甀戀 ㄀ 瀀洀 ⴀ ㈀愀洀 ␀㌀ 眀椀琀栀 挀漀猀琀甀洀攀 ⼀ ␀㔀 眀椀琀栀漀甀琀