OutBoise Magazine April 2015 | Page 36

36  |  OutBoise Magazine  | NEWS OutBoise.com | Issue 6.2 | April 2015 How To: Adopt a Child by Jessy Forsmo- Shadid There are many ways that a person can start a family of their own. Choosing which way to make that family on the other hand is the harder part. Here are some tips on how to adopt a child of your own. 1. e sure and be excited. B The amount of time and effort it takes to adopt a child is going to challenge you anyway. Make sure that you are absolutely ready for a little person to join your life and be the center of your attention. 2. ook at adoption agencies in your county L Whether it is known or not, there are children close to you that are in need of families. Check out different agencies near you to help out a child in need of love, care, and a family. 3. heck up on the foster care system C There are many different foster care systems in America. According to childrensrights.org, in the year of 2013, 640,000 children had entered into the foster care system here in the U.S. If you are wanting to adopt a child, this a great opportunity for both you and the foster child. They will finally have their forever family; something that many children pray for. 4. ook at all the options L You don’t have to adopt a newborn. Sometimes that just isn’t the best fit and that is okay. You can get just as much joy and happiness by adopting an older child. You can teach the same life lessons and still call them your own. Make sure you adopt someone who is a great fit for you. 5. e ready to face challenges B Being a parent in general is an extremely hard job. But know that this child that you are adopting might go through both physical, mental, and other health challenges. This could leave a parent feeling hopeless. Know that you are not alone and look into a community of people who might be going through similar challenges that you yourself are going through. 6. now that no parent is perfect. K Children are resilient. Yes, you would have responsibility this new person but they might be stronger than you think. Showing love, care and interest is what a child needs the most. Be there and present. The child may not always thank you right away, but someday, they just might. I was put into foster care at the age of 4 and lived in Escondido, California. I was 7 years old when I found out that a lesbian couple in small town Kuna, Idaho wanted to make me and my siblings their family. What a blessing it turned out to be. So if you are thinking about adopting a child, be sure and be ready for an adventure. There are going to be good times and hard times, but you could change a child’s life with your love and care.