OutBoise Magazine April 2015 | Page 32

32  |  OutBoise Magazine  | NEWS OutBoise.com | Issue 6.2 | April 2015 10 Ways to Gayify Your Honey Bunny’s Easter Basket By Mikey Rox 3. FattyCakesNY Cookies Even if you’re not religious, you can still celebrate a fluffy pagan Easter with someone you love. But instead of the tiny trinkets and cavityinviting candy that monopolize kids’ baskets this time of year, put together a wicker-handled surprise that’s decidedly more adult with these 10 LGBT-minded finds. 1. Beekman 1802 Hand and Body Wash While you’re trying to avoid building a basket overloaded with empty calories – oh, to be a kid again – you don’t have to shun sugar altogether. Satisfy his sweet tooth with FattyCakesNY’s Sweet n’ Salty Trio, six each of its three best-selling cookies, including Old Salt (triple chocolate with sea salt), The Norm (chocolate chip with sea salt), and