OutBoise Magazine April 2015 | Page 21

April 2015 | Issue 6.2 | OutBoise.com The mission of the Boise Gay Men’s Chorus is to open hearts and minds through creative expression. The chorus used this trip as an opportunity to share this mission with new audiences as well as a bonding opportunity. On Saturday, there was a membership retreat geared towards revealing why each person was a part of BGMC. There were group activities, opportunities to share ideas and feelings, and most importantly, it was a safe place for everyone participating. “Both tears were shed and much laughter was shared. A renewed sense of pride could be seen in the chorus Saturday night, during and after the show.” Fernando Menendez, Chorus president. BGMC loves taking pictures and posting events on Facebook to let all our friends and family know what we’re up to. To see more pictures of what happened during our trip, check out Boise Gay Men’s Chorus on Facebook. Also, visit www. boisegaymenschorus. com to see the latest offerings of tickets as well as events held locally! NEWS   |  OutBoise Magazine  |  21