Outback Vision Protocol PDF / Recipes, Ingredients Free Download Smoothie by Bill Campbell | Page 2

cornea and optic nerve to function in their optimal state. These recipes were inspired by a US Marines training exercise with the Aboriginal NORFORCE Unit in the Australian Outback whose eyesight has been shown to be FOUR TIMES sharper than ours. Countless studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals have since proved beyond any doubt that unlike the Standard American Diet, the crucial nutrients and vitamins in the Aboriginal diet protect their eyes from free radical damage, giving them so-called ‘Super Sight’. And using this research, David Lancaster, an independent medical researcher, was able to develop a formula 3 TIMES more powerful than the original recipe given to me by Bunji, one of the NORFORCE Unit soldiers. So if you want a proven way to improve your vision, and protect your eyesight for years to come, these recipes are all you’ll ever need. Bill, if this protocol is so good, why hasn’t my optometrist told me about it? Well, as I explained a little earlier, it’s not in the optometry industry’s interests to publicize any of this research.