Out of the Woodwork | Page 6

Meet the contributors

21, though originally from Coon Rapids, is currently attending University of Wisconsin-La Crosse for her Bachelors of Science in geography, with an environmental studies minor (est. December 2016). Meanwhile, taking on the full-time student gig, she’s been working at Cub Foods as a deli diva (no, that’s not a typo) for just under two years. On her downtime, Lexi has a lot of pastimes which include, but are not limited to, perusing outdoors, climbing trees, exploring new places, and jamming out on guitar. In the long run, she would love nothing more than to work with international agriculture development, and with development of ethical/efficient farming practices. However, if you ask her what she wants to be when she grows up: chances are, you’ll get a different answer every week (if not every day). It’s simply a contemplative question, and it ties into the second of her two favorite quotes, listed below. Speaking of which, here they are.

The first quote: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Life’s about discovering oneself; to do so, one can’t follow someone else’s footsteps and expect to be happy ~ it’s that simple. The other quote: “One step at a time”. Everyone’s always rushing to pursue something more, (i.e. graduate grade school, get a degree, get married, start a family, etc.), and looking so far into the future, so much so that no one stops to appreciate what’s in the moment surrounding themselves. Life’s about living in the moment, so instead of racing to the end of the path, stop, if only for a minute, to smell the metaphorical roses along the way.

Lexi Keller,

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 6’

Weight: 150lb

Hair: brown

Eyes: brown

Hobbies: Photographer, musician, traveller, want-to-be uptown hipster.

Special skills: being lazy

Weakness: bites nails

Hometown: SLP

Lived in: Elliot Park Neighborhood

Often seen in Minneapolis… in the 9th floor of Guthrie Theater, riding a fixed-gear bike anywhere and everywhere, in the basement of MWM, or engaging in shenanigans on the U’s campus

Favorite restaurants: Aster Café, Sebastian Joe’s, and that little dunn bros next to the depot.

Favorite museum: Science Museum in St Paul (does that count?)

Favorite mode of transportation: bike or light rail.

Favorite local bands: Jourdan Myers, Misch, and John Mark Nelson

Casey Krummen