Out of the Woodwork | Page 32

world affairs

Flucuating oil prices

Here in the cities, people are used to having gas prices average around $3/gallon. Our nation has been so dependent on crude oil sourced from overseas, especially in the particularly politically-unstable Middle Eastern countries. As a result, the cost of crude oil was averaging around $106/barrel as of the end of June 2014 (CBC). However, as one may have taken note of over the past couple months, gas prices have plummeted (just bought gas at Costco on January 13th up in Coon Rapids…for $1.65/gallon; by no means am I complaining!)…and then subtly spiked ($1.84 on the 18th, again at Costco). The small spike is nothing, really, in comparison to the $4/gallon average our nation saw around the time of the 2008 economy crash.