How to play ourWorld without installing the App on Andriod.
I know most of you guys didn't know about this is, that you can play ourWorld on your tablet or phone TWO ways, but we will only be showing on how to play on the Andriod.
You can download the app on Google Play Store [People say it moves slower than a slug on it, and lags every second and endeds up being crashed]
Here is the steps for to download the ourWorld App.
1) Go to the Google Play Store
2) Search "ourWorld"
3) Click the ourWorld app
3) Click "Install"
4) Then wait for it to finish download, then after that you're all set and ready!
Second, you can play ourWorld on a browser app two. I know loads of persons knew that.
Here are the steps:
1) Go to the Google Play Store
2) Search "Puffin Web Browser"
3) Click on which one you like (There is paid and free) [ The paid one is much better, less laggy]
4) Click "Install"
5) Open up Puffin
7) Type in ourWorld URL []
8) Log in and play!
Most persons prefer to play it on Puffin, since it's less laggy.
On Puffin you can do offers, enter the coupon codes, play ourWorld games.
On the ourWorld app it only makes you play the game.
So pick Puffin, if you like or pick the ourWorld App if you like.