Spring time is here.
And for some of us this means a start of the new season allergies.
Oh joy I hear you say!
But there are ways to help you through. Understanding the environmental
allergens, when they start and what to look for is the first step.
Dogs can be affected by pollens getting trapped by the fur and then the spores from the pollen are absorbed into the dog’s skin. This starts the vicious circle of scratch, bite, lick. The dog is irritated and their way to relieve the itch is to scratch, bite or lick, which only makes matters worse as this transfers the rash to other parts of the body , for example, the muzzle.
Pine Pollens are the first to present as they are the first to start pollinating. You’ll notice a fine film on the tracks, streets and cars – a yellow powder that seems to get everywhere – this is
the pine pollen and often the start of hay fever and hay fever like symptoms.
into action
Written by Heather Murphy