Bring on
the change!
You know how spring brings the most beautiful of changes… just the new growth, the cute little animals, the beautiful flowers that come out… and as I am writing this, it isn’t even really
spring yet. But you can feel it in the air, can’t you… slowly the afternoons aren’t as dark, there’s more days the kids can hang out outside - just playing, thinking up new games…
although at the moment this rain can bugger off as far as I am concerned!
I love change I have come to realise, I get really excited by new things and start thinking of the ways it will benefit my life… I embrace changes, even when they are unexpected… or
things I didn’t really like or need…
You know, when Facebook puts new changes through and you start wondering for the first 10 minutes why the hell they put those in…?!
Change doesn’t bring up resistance within me, not even the bigger changes in life… except changes on the political field but let’s NOT talk about that now…
No, I mean just every day changes - changes that are part of life... Like my kids growing up - I LOVE seeing them get bigger… seeing them get old
to go to
school does
not fill me with sadness at all - I LOVE seeing how my girl is SO ready.
At 5 she already knows it all of course, no school needed… hahaha
But that excitement, the eagerness to learn and read like her older brother, it’s cool!! I love seeing her grow up and turn into a girl… she no longer is that little girl. And it’s funny how you see them every day and then all of a sudden you look at them and realise how much they have grown!! Although the pants that fit today and are too short tomorrow… or the sleeves halfway up their arm on that shirt I swear she could still fit last week, they should a bit of a give away I guess.
But I will never be that parents that cries because their ‘baby went to school’ - it really doesn’t fill me with sadness - it brings me SO much joy to see her grow!
I can’t wait to see my boy hit puberty and see what he will be like - ohh and yes, I am sure I will absolutely go through very frustrating phases with him but that’s nothing new...right? But
seeing that bit in life where he will start finding who he is, where he stands in life… what morals he holds
by Carrie Hazzard ’
Mrs Hazzard, a middle aged woman, mum and wife - in that order. Never quiet and always opinionated.
Any subject will do and any questions asked will be answered - never a dull moment in my brain!!