Our Webazine JUNE/JULY 2017 | Page 62

at work?

indfulness may be something that you consider to be a fad,

something that requires you to meditate, eat organically, vote Green and be a prolific yogi. Well, that’s not entirely true, firstly you can eat and vote however you wish and sure there’s an element of mindfulness in yoga, but believe it or not you can be mindful without hours of meditation practise.

Mindfulness is about being present, observing the moment without judgement and instead replacing that

with genuine curiosity and kindness, be that with one’s self or another. And would you believe that Mindfulness is not only personally beneficial to the individual who practises but it can also make an incredibly positive difference to your Business.

Mindfulness practised and supported in the workplace improves the people and therefore impacts the culture, but it starts from the inside out. By encouraging Mindfulness in work interactions and through mindful communication staff learn to become self- aware, they start to better regulate their responses and behaviours. They become mindful of their contributions, responsibilities and they become accountable to themselves and their colleagues naturally. And this has been proved by numerous scientific studies, that

Mindfulness in the workplace significantly benefits the Business in the long run, you only have to look at the early adopters to see, take Google, Apple and Virgin for starters. They each have Mindfulness programs for their employees and they openly encourage personal practises.

How can mindfulness

help you get ahead


By Alison Callan