So have a look around your house - think about the way we live these days - can that be affecting your pet?
● Keep daily diaries - it’s so important as it can show patterns not otherwise seen.
● Are the rashes or itches more prevalent after a certain event - whether that is walks, beaches, food, treats?
Often a dog will be itchy without showing obvious signs of a skin rash. But take a look closer - feel over the skin can you feel any tiny raised bumps? There may be only one or two but these can be enough to make your dog itchy. With constant scratching they can also break the skin creating sores that scab and are in turn itchy. Eezapet can be applied to any of these symptoms - part the fur and apply to the area causing the grievance.
Also think about fleas - your dog doesn’t need to actually have a flea to have an itchy reaction! It can take one bite or one egg to cause the constant itching! Flea Allergy Dermatitis broken down here
Unfortunately solving the itchy cause doesn’t happen overnight - if you dog is just itchy without any signs think about offering a support for their internal system. For this reason we got together with Newflands to bring you our Coat & Conditioning packs.
One works from the inside and the other works from the outside!
Newflands Fish Oil is high in Omegas - and the balance of these Omegas is important too. By including Fish oil into their diet you can help support healthy joints, healthy coat and healthy skin. You will be surprised at how quickly their coats shine and become glossy again.
And of course Eezapet balm is the topical application applied to the skin to relieve the itchy area. It activates in 5-15 minutes and breaks the itch/scratch cycle.
So if your dog is just itchy I would recommend looking at supporting from both the inside and the outside and our Coat and Conditioning packs do just that.
Brought to you by Eezapet - because we are on a mission for a scratch free world!