I had an unusual but oh so very interesting talk with a total stranger a few days ago; I was at the local cafe buying me and my husband some coffees and had our 1.5 year old with me.
The lady at the counter asked me how old the little one was and when I answered she gave me the strangest look and proceeded to tell me that she was HUGE for her age – it was the strangest thing to me. Literally so far I have almost felt like I have had to tell EVERYONE that she actually isn’t THAT small and that she just looks ‘dainty’ and that she fits all the clothing in her age appropriate size….
Until that moment in time I had not heard anyone say that she was big for her age. I’ve been feeling all defensive almost, about something that is just biologically the way it is – ain’t that just weird?
Then the – otherwise nice lady – asked me why I did not have her in day care if she was that age, she was old enough after all….
Another one that took me by total surprise – I answered her she wasn’t and I have had all three kids home for 3 years before they started day care or kindy. I loved it – I consider myself oh so very lucky that I have been able to do this… that I have been in a financial position that has allowed us to do it this way… She seemed stunned and totally taken back by my explanation.
These questions and the not so very
hidden judgment attached, took me by total surprise. Not because she had judgment but because they showed such a different perspective on things. In my world, my child is kinda small and lots of parents choose to have one parent at home until kids go into care – whether that is Home Care, Kindy or Daycare. Mums and Dads love being home with the kids and if they can’t afford to do so, they wish they could.
Isn’t it great to think about this though? Let’s all try to think about basic life choices; what time does your family eat and do your kids go to bed? Or what sort of sports do they play, if any?
With all the choices we make in life – even the most basic ones - there is just as many people that choose to do the opposite… just as many people that see things differently than you, look at things and see a huge baby where you see a small baby… where you see God they see Buddha or Allah…
Where they see injustice, you see facts of life….
by Carrie Hazzard ’
Mrs Hazzard, a middle aged woman, mum and wife - in that order. Never quiet and always opinionated.
Any subject will do and any questions asked will be answered - never a dull moment in my brain!!