eat everything in sight, more than you would have eaten if you had followed the “everything in moderation” mindset. Enjoying your Christmas Day with good company, some delicious food, some nice wine and very little exercise WILL NOT DERAIL YOUR EFFORTS. Doing this every single day, well, yeah, of course it will. But for the couple of big days over the Christmas period? Enjoy yourself!! I mean it!! It would be healthier for your mind and body to just let go for a bit, enjoy yourself, and get back on track again tomorrow. Or if you know on New Years Eve, you are going for a huge booze up with fatty, sugary food and late nights, why not plan ahead, and eat well and exercise leading up to it, and once the party is over, just get back to it again. No big deal, not worth beating yourself up for.
So what do you think? Can you get through this Christmas and New Year period without becoming one big hangry stress ball? Give it a go. Makes everything so much more fun, and makes everyone around you happier, too, if you are a happy little ray of sunshine over this crazy time. I’m not saying it’s easy, but with some organisation, relaxing and making some good choices in your food, you can make it a lot easier on yourself. And who wouldn’t want that?
Merry Christmas and I will see you in 2018!
MisFIT NZ is a face to face (Tauranga) Group Exercise and Personal Training company, and Online Programmes are now also available. Helping women get off their butts and back to living life again. 2 Online programmes kicking off in January 2018. Head here for more information -