Our Voice May 2014 - Annual Lupus Awareness Edition | Page 6

The SL-Lupus Awareness Foundation group was founded to Educate ~ Support ~ Raise Funds for the Lupus cause. We appreciate all the wonderful support our fundraising events generate & all monies raised are paid to Lupus of America and Lupus in the UK.


6 Our Voice / May 2014



Charming Beginnings Weddings has been a long lived, thriving business in the SL community for over 7 years and is owned by Peggie Bundy and her husband Leland Maggs. Peggie's motto for her business is that everyone deserves to be happy in SL and have a beautiful SL wedding without breaking their bank account so she strives to do everything within her power to make that happy for her couples. Charming Beginnings Offers 4 full service wedding venues for everyone's needs. Their full estate is located at IceDragons Playpen.

Host of the 2014 Lupus Awareness Campaign & Events