nd the rockets red glare, the bombs and crack of the whip, meeting the backs of our ancestors flesh, echoing in the collective consciousness, of the African so called American
living but lost in the land of the not quite free and home of the Not so Brave, Ashes, Lord- But warm still from the fire that cheered us, Lighted us in this clearing where it seems Scarcely an hour ago we feasted on Burnt pig from our tormentors' in willing Bounty and charted the high purpose you Word had launched us on, And now, my comrades Dead, or taken; your servant, pressed by the Blood-drenched yelps of hounds, forsaken, save for The stillness of the word that persist quivering And breath-moist on his tongue; and these faint coals Soon to be rushed to dying glow by the Indifferent winds of miscarriage-What now, My Lord? A priestess once, they say, could write On leaves, unlock the time-bound spell of deeds Undone. I let fall upon these pale remains Your breath-moist word, preempt the winds, and give Them now their one last glow, that some dark child In time to come might pass this way and, in This clearing, read and know....
Nate Turner
he Red for the death to life leaps of the Middle Passage for the Freedom-flames of our fathers Gabriel and Nat for the contraband: Harriet Tubman-brave for the Blues-glue binding
our battered souls For Billy and the Strange Fruit hanging from the hate for Nina and the children leaning, leaning for love For the Red of our Passion and Revenge.
The Black for the Brothers resurrected from the Nod. for the Sisters reborn from the Trick for the rebellions: dress rehearsals for the funeral of ofays for the Afro-crowned Foxes Bustin fourth Everywhere for the continuance of chittlins and death to the pig! for the Jennie Lou and Junebug for surviving for the Magicians with their Ju-Ju and Mojo growing warriors in the soil of our Souls for the Black of our bodies poised in the Unity of Liberation.
The Green for our land called America, Africa, Caribbean for our Earth-good-after the white plague-like before for our Nommowaters flowing in the lovedance creating our futures for our laughter of colors against our oppression for our parents birthing us into the War for Humanity for Coltanism, leonpolis and Pharaoh for deepening our Spiritual Unity for Garvey, Campos and Che and Dessalines who touch us and guide us through the ancestoral chants of Rhythm and Blues for the Black Kingdom and the Powers and the Glory of Black People For All Praises Are Due To The Blackman for Peace Forever....
The Red, The Black and The Green
Alonzo Leonard Walton Bryant
Our Voice / February, 2014 17