Our vision of Health and Safety Our Vision of Health and Safety | Page 7

Our vision of Health and Safety Avoidability We think that all accidents can be prevented. It is not a question of bad luck; they occur when a series of circumstances coincide and one of them triggers an accident. The correct way to act is to identify these causes in advance and report them, control them or eliminate them. If we act this way all accidents are preventable. Participation Anybody can have an accident, cause an accident or prevent an accident from happening. It is an individual and shared responsibility. This is why we believe that safety needs to be tackled collectively by acknowledging and reinforcing positive actions and encouraging self-criticism to identify actions that can be improved. Learning We have firm beliefs, but at the same time we know that we don’t know everything. And there is nothing wrong in admitting it, because people who think they know everything or who act as though they do sooner or later stop progressing, are uncovered and ultimately fail. Safety requires training, it requires observing and listening, checking and reflecting or even “unlearning” things in order to “re-learn” them. Wellness We believe the reason for working is progress and the reason for progress is well-being. We believe in safe, healthy work environments and putting people first; thinking not just about the present but also the future. 7