Our vision of Health and Safety Our Vision of Health and Safety | Page 17

Our Health and Safety Policy The satisfaction of our customers as well as the motivation of our employees are the main focus of the Grupo Lantero strategy development for the upcoming years, through operating our facilities in a safe, responsible manner and providing value to our shareholders. This goal includes protecting the health and safety of our employees that are involved in our operations, our customers, suppliers and the general public. Grupo Lantero’ s Health & Safety Policy establishes the company’s commitment to work towards an acci- dent-free, incident-free environment, with a Health & Safety culture that is based on teamwork and safety leadership. It reflects our view: “Everyone returns home safe and healthy every day”. Health & Safety is a shared responsibility; it must form part of our daily activities and be taken on by all Grupo Lantero employees and by all of the companies that work in our facilities. ALL workplace accidents and occupational diseases are preventable and there is no job that cannot be carried out safely. Grupo Lantero thus makes the following COMMITMENTS: • To identify and continuously implement safe processes and ways of working, using effective protection equipment and means towards preventing accidents and failures, and by encouraging good safety practices. • To evaluate the risks associated with tasks, work equipment and facilities. • To take immediate action whenever a safety problem is detected. • To consider Health & Safety as a key factor when evaluating our performance as a company, and to seek ways of constantly improving. • To encourage Health & Safety leadership, at all levels of the organization, and to provide the necessary resources to meet our targets. • To comply with the applicable legal requirements wherever we operate. • To maintain a high degree of preparedness to deal with emergencies, as well as to implement the actions required to guarantee the protection of the company’s assets. • To make everyone in the organization aware that they must be a reference in terms of Health & Safety, both inside and outside work. To achieve these commitments it is imperative to encourage active participation at all levels, through effective communication and optimal use of the available human and material resources. The General Management of Grupo Lantero fully accepts and agrees with the contents of this Policy and su- pports all of the company’s partners and employees in their tasks to achieve these objectives.