Our Valley Santa Clarita September/October 2016 | Page 13
The next TMC, Circle of Chaos, begins
on Saturday, October 8, 2016. I have already registered, please join me. Go to:
“...change is
good, but the
is better”
the end of the course, you are no longer the same. I encourage everyone to
make the investment because your future is calling!”
Graduate, Latisha
“God keeps putting more and more
amazing things in front of me. I had
a publisher contact me today about
a book I’ve wanted to write for three
years…and this week I was told by a
friend who is a writer/director that the
story is also being shopped as a miniseries. In addition, I have been gifted
with the amazing opportunity to go
to Australia for 10 days in December
which has been a dream since I was a
little girl. I am so incredibly thankful for
the focus I now have that helps me see
these opportunities so clearly instead
of taking them for granted or miss them
entirely. I will make the absolute most
of them all.”
Graduate, Kristy G.
Lastly, I’m so grateful that I too am a
graduate of the inaugural TMC. The
Course exceeded ALL of my expectations. Proudly, I can say I have deleted
my fear of confrontation. I was able to
recognize it was fear that was holding
me back from growing to my next level,
and I’m absolutely committed to the
process of changing my life. From now
on, whenever confrontation knocks on
my door, I can handle it.
I am a Transformer!
Willa Robinson is the CEO/
Publisher of Knowledge
Power Books, a local independent book publishing
company. She is also the
President of APSS-Santa
Clarita (Association of Publishers for Special Sales).
www.knowledgepowerbooks, [email protected]
Willa’s World
Together, the Hodges have authored
5 books, traveled extensively, equipping people for “next level” living. Their
books are available at www.transformationmentoring.org
Dr. Fred L. Hodge and
Pastor Linda G. Hodge