August is Family Fun Month
As summer draws to a close and we get ready for Miniature golf is an excellent group activity.
the first day of school (with an eye on the holidays Maybe even camp in your backyard? At least you
right around the corner) we still have August to won’t be far from a bathroom.
enjoy with our families and it’s also Family Fun
Month with 31 beautiful days of warm summer During summer there are lots of free outdoor
nights to have fun with our families. concerts or just go on a picnic. A day trip to a local
farm or zoo would be ideal and fun for everybody.
The kids can do a fashion show with their new
school clothes. The family can create a runway
with flashlights and some music. Ordering a pizza,
having a family movie night or game night with
other relatives, neighbors and friends would be a
hoot! Have a battle of the families. The winners
get free ice cream which is great in summer.
The origins of Family Fun Month are unclear, but
we never really need an excuse to spend more There are any number of activities a family can do
time with our families. Sometimes it helps to have together. Many more than listed here. Use your
a little reminder to slow down and enjoy one imagination, spend time together and have fun!!
another’s company. That’s what Family Fun Month Families are so important in our lives. Enjoy them
in August is all about, it’s the perfect time for kids while you can.
and parents to spend some extra quality time
together. Be creative and adventurist.
Dean Cheeseman