Our Patch October 2015 | Page 20

Our Patch OCTOBER 2015 174 King Street, Hammersmith, London W6 0RA Tel. 020 8741 7171 • Fax 020 8741 7743 DX 32750 Hammersmith 2 • Email [email protected] Open 9.00am to 5.00pm Buying or selling in Hammersmith or Chiswick? Let us do the groundwork. By using a local solicitor, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you can just walk in for more immediate and personal service than that available online. It also means that we provide everything you’d expect from a full legal practice, including: Will preparation Probate Empty Royal Masonic Hospital in Ravenscourt Park is granted a new lease of life from 2017 Competitive rates Will contesting Dispute resolution Family law Business law Personal injury Call or visit today and let us sweat the detail while you kick back and enjoy the World Cup. WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED The Royal Masonic Hospital of 1933. Part of the site was re-developed into impressive new flats, pictured above Funding options T he art deco Hammersmith hospital which treated 8,000 wounded servicemen during the Second World War is to reopen as a cancer specialist unit. A £150million scheme is underway to convert the 1930s Royal Masonic Hospital building, mothballed since 2006, into the privately run London International Hospital. It will be the first hospital to offer proton beam therapy, a type of radiotherapy not currently available on the NHS, which can treat complex cancers in children. The 150-bed hospital is due to open in 2017, creating up to 2,000 jobs. A year after its opening in 1933 alongside Ravenscourt Park, the Royal Masonic won the Royal Institute of British Architects’ top design medal. It was converted to military use during the Second World War, treating more than 8,000 wounded officers. Grade II-listed, the building was sold off in 1996 and reopened two years later as an independent hospital called The Stamford. In May 2002 it returned to the NHS as the Ravenscourt Park Hospital… but lack of patient numbers forced closure in 2006. St. Peter’s School Auction Night Now it is to be the first UK hospital run by healthcare giant VPS Healthcare, with the Mayor of London describing the news as a ‘tremendous vote of confidence in London’s thriving life sciences sector’. Meanwhile, developers Linden Homes took over part of the site – now called Ashlar Court – which served as the living quarters for the hospital’s nurses. Last year the site was transformed into blocks of one, two and three-bedroom flats and one and two-bedroom detached houses, which retain the coveted historical details of the building. St Peter’s Church of England Primary School Raising funds for Friends of St. Peter’s Thursday 12 November, 7.30-10.30pm St Peters School, St Peters Road, Hammersmith W6 9BA Ticket prices £25.00 including complimentary drinks and canapés wa “A c :v8 cy, lk hum t justly, love mer icah 6 M bly w ith your God.” Sponsored by