Our Patch JUNE 2014
Our Patch JUNE 2014
Cathy Robertson admits she’s never run a festival
before. But that hasn’t stopped her creating
a week of fun for everyone, finds James Beck
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cultural extravaganza is
set to hit Hammersmith
and Fulham this June as
the inaugural HF ArtsFest
comes to the borough.
The brainchild of longterm local resident Cathy Robertson,
the festival will run from Sunday, June
8, until Sunday, June 15.
“The idea for HF ArtsFest came from
a conversation I had last year with H&F
Author Antony Beevor
Council’s deputy leader Greg Smith,”
Right, Jack Jones, Cathy
explains Cathy. “I met him whilst
Robertson and John Horton
helping to expand the Neighbourhood
outside the town hall cube
Watch scheme across the borough.
“After moving back to Fulham
more on providing a structure and
from New York City, I was keen to get
a conversation with the famous and
funding for artists and creative people
involved with the community again so
talented literary couple, Artemis Cooper
who want to put on their own events
I asked him if there was anything which and Antony Beevor, organised by
but have no way of doing so.
the community needed help with, and
Nomad Books in Fulham Library.
“People have asked if we could end
he said ‘libraries’. And so I thought,
Other eye-catching events include
up evolving into something like The
why not make it bigger?”
‘News from Nowhere’, curated by
Edinburgh Fringe and my response is:
From there the idea evolved and
Transition Gallery director and local
Sure, why not?”
grew to include all of the arts, with
artist Alli Sharma.
Cathy putting together an experienced
Sharma teamed up with the William
and dedicated committee to take
Morris Society at Kelmscott House,
One event which is being organised
the helm. Made up of local resident
Hammersmith, to create the exhibition
by the HF ArtsFest themselves this year
volunteers, all of whom are passionate
which takes its title from a book by
is a visual installation at Hammersmith
about the arts, she was on to a winner.
Morris and explores themes of utopias,
Town Hall in King Street.
“We’ve been driving it forward
environmentalism, personal dreams
Horton and Garton are proud
and it’s been really exciting to see the
and imaginings for the future.
to be sponsoring the event – which
calendar fill up on the website. I’ve
runs from June 8 to 14; the event
never put on a festival like
is free to the public – and I spoke
this before so at the beginning
to committee member, artist and
the thought was, ‘what is the
curator Jack Jones to find out more:
minimum number of events we
can put on if it all goes wrong
So Jack, what is it you are
and doesn’t take off?’
planning for the cube?
“But we’ve ended up with
It’s an installation in the glass cube
something really interesting
space outside Hammersmith Town
happening every day. And
Hall called ‘A Significant Other’
the great thing is there’s
featuring painting, sculpture,
something for everyone, it’s
photography and banner work
not age-specific at all.”
by six different artists.
Some highlights of this
Albert & Friends
month’s festival include an
Instant Circus
What’s the big idea behind
Albert & Friends Instant Circus
the exhibition?
performance in Ravenscourt
Because the glass box outside the town
On top of this, some already wellPark on the opening day and
hall is hardly a typical gallery space
established arts events and institutions,
I didn’t want typical artwork. So I’ve
such as Bushstock (see What’s On for
tried to make it more of a theatrical
details) and Riverside Studios, are also
experience which uses sculpture in a
coming together under the HF ArtsFest
different way.
banner in a celebration of what the
local community has to offer when it
What works are you most looking
comes to the arts.
forward to showing?
“Our aim this year is to capture what
The work of an artist called Alastair
is already here and raise awareness of
Duncan. He’s previously worked for the
existing events and organisations,”
Barbican and has just come back from
adds Cathy, “this way the arts world
Japan. He creates very interesting works
can make a bigger bang collectively.”
And what about the future, I wonder? based around signs which we’re very
Kelmscott House
“Next year we’re hoping we can focus lucky and excited to feature.