Our Maine Street's Aroostook Issue 30 : Fall 2016 | Page 19

Employer U: the MMG Center for Professional Development by Kim Jones, UMPI Employer U Director The University of Maine at Presque Isle is a bustling place. Every day, throngs of people scurry around campus attending classes, workshops, meetings, sporting events, art exhibits, lectures, concerts, and other academic and enrichment activities. Students, residents, and visitors of all ages routinely gather in every corner of this vibrant community within a community. that in mind, they paved the way for discussions to take place between University and business leadership that ultimately resulted in a fantastic solution to the training space and programing need. After several months of planning, a generous $50,000 donation from MMG, a $10,000 grant from the Maine Community Foundation, and human and financial contributions from the university, UMPI With this surge in activity, however, comes a challenge opened its new, state-of-the-art space devoted to –– finding space to put everyone and everything. It’s professional training in September 2016. a great problem to have though. While our everexpanding campus calendar presents some very real Named the “MMG Center for Professional logistical and scheduling hurdles, it’s also a sign that Development”, the new facility features some of the UMPI is a vital hub for educational, social, cultural, most impressive video conferencing and interactive and professional activities in our region. But soon technology available today. This opens up a vast array after launching Employer U in 2015, it became of continuing education possibilities, some of which apparent that adequate training space was needed if are already being realized. For example, through our workforce development program was going to Employer U, the University of Southern Maine flourish. Fortunately, a solution was already in the has begun transmitting its risk management course to the Presque Isle campus. With MMG Center works. technology, students can fully interact with the USM As it turns out, other area employers were facing a professor and Portland-based students in real time, similar challenge in finding easily accessible, readily through high definition video and crystal-clear audio. available, and fully “wired” (more on that in a minute) In addition to streaming in programs from other space for employee training. One organization, sources, UMPI faculty and Employer U instructors in particular, took a lead role in addressing this will also be sending out content to reach audiences in need – MMG Insurance. With their headquarters other areas. in Presque Isle, MMG leadership recognized the importance of having local professional development In addition to having the latest technology, the MMG opportunities and options not only for their staff, but Center has furniture and equipment that can be for the economic wellness of the entire region. With easily reconfigured to promote multiple instructional methods and room layouts. The 1000-squareFALL 2016 17