Our Maine Street's Aroostook Issue 28 : Spring 2016 | Page 9
From The Magazine Desk:
Our Maine Street’s Aroostook Magazine showcases the inspiring beauty and local stories of Aroostook
County, Maine. Often referred to simply as The County, Aroostook resides at the crown of Maine with
breathtaking landscapes, distinctive cultures and friendly hard-working people creating this place we call
home. All of our content comes from the people and organizations who live and work here – their stories
and photographs speak volumes. Having no full-time staff, we work with local writers and photographers
to tell our story.
Our goal has always been to create a final product that is high-quality while still
being accessable to as many people as possible. That’s why we have used the highestWe created
quality sustainably sourced papers and environmentally friendly soy-based inks. Our Maine Street
When possible, our print shops have sourced their electrical power from wind-based Magazine during the
economic downturn
in 2008 but it wasn’t
We’re not backed by a large media group, but have always set our cover price low to because we thought it
ensure that our piece of Aroostook is accessable to as many people as we can. Many was the best time for a
times, the cover price just covers the cost of production of each copy.
business opportunity.
We wanted to show
We have been blessed by the support of many local businesses and organizations that despite the times,
whose funding pays for the equipment, software, permits and other needs to keep Aroostook was still
us up and running.
a great place to be.
This project would be
More and more of our readers are choosing the digital copy every issue, including our love letter to The
new readers joining us each quarter. While this is great as the number of overall County.
readers is increasing, it also means that demand for the printed copy has lessened.
We have reached the point where this is no longer sustainable.
This will be the last issue printed in its current form. We are working with a national online retailer to
produce a new, quality, print-on-demand version of this publication going forward and hope to announce
details very soon. If you are a current subscriber don’t panic, we’ll be in touch to make sure we are square
on the balance of any remaining issues on your subscription. You’ll also be hearing from us by mail on
how you can get the new print version in the future.
Make sure to follow us on Facebook (facebook.com/ourmainestreet) and bookmark our website
(ourmainestreet.com) for updates and access to the digital version of the magazine.
The digital version of the magazine will remain free. You’ll still be able to share with friends and family
all over the world, now with no delay after the release date. This is a labor of love for us and is meant to
promote the people and places of Aroostook County; that won’t be changing.
We know we haven’t been perfect, and have appreciated the kind words of support from people all over
the county, state and country. You all keep us going, and we look forward to continuing this journey with
Craig Cormier Charles Cormier Cheryl Cormier