Driver Safety:
An opportunity to learn
new techniques and to
volunteer in 2014!
We can all agree that increasing the number of safe
and conscientious drivers on the road can make our
communities safer for all. Since 1979, AARP has
offered a comprehensive and affordable driver safety
course designed to teach and renew one’s defensive
driving techniques. AARP Smart Driver is geared
to drivers 50+, but is available to drivers of any age
who wish to brush up on their driving skills. For a
small investment the course can also provide some
long-term savings. It is mandated by
the state that AARP Smart Driver
graduates who are 55 and older
may receive a discount on their auto
insurance on the condition that they
meet certain other criteria.
AARP Smart Driver is available in a live classroom
setting as well as online and has graduated millions
of participants, contributing to safer neighborhoods
and communities nationwide. In 2013, Maine
boasted 91 classes with over 1,200 graduates! The
classroom course costs only $15 for AARP members
and $20 for nonmembers. The cost for the online
course is $17.95 for AARP members and $21.95
for nonmembers. Although some people enjoy the
convenience online courses provide,
others prefer the individual attention
and personal interaction they receive
in the classroom.
We need volunteer instructors in The
Some of us have never looked back
since we got our first driver’s license,
One thing that makes the AARP
but even the most experienced drivers
Smart Driver course remarkable is
can benefit from a tune-up on their
that it is coordinated and taught
skills. Think about how much cars
entirely by volunteers. Currently
have changed in the last twenty
there are 7,000+ AARP-trained,
years. The vehicles we learned to
volunteer coordinators, marketers,
drive on were not equipped with
and instructors nationwide who make
anti-lock brakes. Operating a car
the AARP Smart Driver classroom
with ABS today requires different
experience possible.
techniques from what we were
taught for stopping in an emergency
The AARP Smart Driver program is
situation. As drivers, we are different
always seeking new volunteers and is
too. With the passage of time, people
just one way AARP connects you to
undergo subtle physical changes in Tom Harvey, Maine’s AARP Smart people with shared interests. Tom
vision, hearing and general stamina.
Harvey, Maine’s AARP Smart Driver
Driver State Coordinator
Impaired hearing, in particular, is one
State Coordinator, is looking for at
of life’s sure things. It constitutes a risk to all drivers, least 10 more volunteer instructors in 2014. AARP is
and can quickly combine with lengthened reaction especially eager to find new volunteers in the County.
times to put you in harm’s way. Some people also take If you would like to help others become better drivers
certain medications that can have an effect on driving. and would enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are
While these are common challenges, there are helpful helping create safer roadways in your community,
ways to manage and accommodate them.