Our Maine Street's Aroostook Issue 17 : Summer 2013 | Seite 20
As We Celebrate
Social Security’s Birthday,
Why Not Share Your
Own Story?
On August 14th, Americans everywhere can celebrate 78 program. Frances Perkins served as Secretary of Labor in
years of Social Security.
the FDR administration. As Secretary of Labor she played a
key role writing New Deal legislation, including minimum
When the Social Security Act was signed into law in wage laws. However, her most important contribution came
1935, almost half of all older Americans lived in poverty. At in 1934 as chairwoman of the President’s Committee on
first, Social Security was just a retirement program. Today, Economic Security. In this position she was involved in all
it offers survivors’ benefits, benefits to a retiree’s spouse, aspects of the reports and hearings that ultimately resulted
and disability benefits. Social Security is a foundation of in the Social Security Act of 1935.
economic security for millions of Americans and their The Frances Perkins Center in Damariscotta is collecting
families. Here in Maine, one third of Mainers 65+ who stories from Mainers whose lives have been affected by
are on Social Security rely on their benefit for 100% of Social Security benefits. They are looking for residents who
their income. Without Social Security, over 80,000 older have a story to tell that would help others understand its
Mainers would fall into poverty.