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1416 Clovis Ave ., Ste # 204 • Clovis , CA 93612 The Classifieds Specialist • Distributed Every Week ! www . TheNickelClassifieds . com

Vol . 2 | No . 18 & 19 | July 3 - July 10 , 2013
PPPPP LEMOORE * SPA- CIOUS 2BR 1BA * $ 650.00 on Acres of Land in a Gated Community with a Spectacular Private Lake . Only $ 100.00 Deposit on Approved Credit . 3 Pools , Fitness Room . 333 E Cinnamon Dr . 559- 924-6464 PPPPP
www . NaturalNews For Information on the Dangers of Flouride , Chemtrails , Drones and many other topics that effect our futures !
LEMOORE 2 RECA- MARAS , 1 BANO Desde $ 650 con sojo $ 100 total de deposito con buen credito . En unacomunidad segura , lago espectacular y privado , 3 albercas , gimnasio de pesas . 333 E . Cinnamon Dr ., 559-924-6464
FRESNO NUEVO CARPETA y Pintura Apt . 2 Recen comunidad privada . Queremos Buenos inquilinos . Ofreemos el Mejor Precio , Sole $ 595 . y un deposito de $ 100 cin buen credito . 2 preciosas alberca , ofrecernos cuidado de inos despues del horario esclar 3294 E Dakota Ave . Cerca de 1st St ( 559 ) 228- 0909 Telefono .
PPPPP FRESNO * IMMEDI- ATE OCCUPANCY * Move in Special !! Spacious 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts . Starting at $ 595 . Clean & well maintained , A / C , parking , 2 beautiful pools . No Pets . 3294 E Dakota Ave . ( near First St ) Call us @ ( 559 ) 228-0909 PPPPP
PARKER LANDSCAPE . COM Parker Landscaping will work for Pre- 1933 Minted Gold and Silver . Please visit www . parkerlandscape . com
www . InfoWars . com For Current Up to date News Tune in Daily !
STOLEN NICKEL RACKS Dear Readers , Someone is out there STEALING YOUR RACKS ! We are asking for Your help in catching the Crimminals that continue to steal our racks every week . This has a direct effect on our ability to continue to provide you with the paper you all have been using and enjoying for over 35 years . We are asking that you arm yourselfs with CAMERAS and if you see anything Suspicious , SNAP a Picture and gather any info you can one the person , vehicles etc that will help us apprehend and convict these crimminals that threathen YOUR NICKEL Puplication . Call 911 if you catch someone and Please email , Call or come into our office with any evidence to STOP this ! RE- WARD IS BEING OFFERED !
WANTED 1988 or Older Harley Softail , Honda CBX- CB750 - CB550 , Kawasaki Z1 / KZ Triples . Also any British . Cash Buyer ( 805 ) 985- 1424 no texts .
OIL BURNERS ! Oil Burners ! Oil Burners ! 3 for $ 5.00 or 20 for $ 20.00 . Most Wanted Tatoos on Blackstone near Shields . 2940 N . Blackstone Ave . Call ( 559 ) 228-8795 .
All 4 Youth Thrift Shop is accepting Donations to support local youth . Tax Deductible . Call ( 559 ) 593-1851 or drop off items at 482 W . Shaw Ave Clovis . God Bless
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Domestic Violence and Bankruptcy