Our Lastest Paper 5.8.13 Digital Paper | Page 15

May 8th & May 15th , 2013 | TELL THEM THE NICKEL SENT YOU | Pg . 15
All 4 Youth Thrift Shop is accepting Donations to support local youth . Tax Deductible . Call ( 559 ) 593-1851 or drop off items at 482 W . Shaw Ave Clovis . God Bless
RETIRED MASONRY Contractor will trade Stone . Brick or Block work for 2 sit own Jet Ski w / trailor , 4-seat Sand buggy or Cash . ( 318 ). 559-212- 5042 .
PPPPP RJ ’ S TOWING Up To 500.00 For Junk Cars , Papers Or Not . Free Removal ( 559 ) 704-8587 Anytime . PPPPP
PPPPP BROTHERS TOW- ING Up to $ 500.00 for cars . When they procrastinate , don ’ t Hesitate Call Us & never wait . ( 559 ) 394-0293 PPPPP
PPPPP GRANDPA ’ S TOW- ING Up To $ 500.00 For Junk Cars . Papers or Not ! Free Removal . Call ( 559 ) 999-3100 Anytime . PPPPP
DRAIN CLEANING Building Maintenance , Office Cleaning , Tree Trimming . Call ( 559 ) 347-7827 . Reasonable Rates .
EARN $ 500- $ 2500 Per month from home representing Health & Wellness products that sold $ 100 MILLON last year in 43 countries ! Positions are limited , send resume tos-j5433 @ live . com
STOLEN NICKEL RACKS Dear Readers , Someone is out there STEALING YOUR RACKS ! We are asking for Your help in catching the Crimminals that continue to steal our racks every week . This has a direct effect on our ability to continue to provide you with the paper you all have been using and enjoying for over 35 years . We are asking that
you arm yourselfs with CAMERAS and if you see anything Suspicious , SNAP a Picture and gather any info you can one the person , vehicles etc that will help us apprehend and convict
these crimminals that threathen YOUR NICKEL Puplication . Call 911 if you catch someone and Please email , Call or come into our office with any evidence to STOP this ! REWARD
IS BEING OFFERED ! SIncerely , The Nickel Classifieds ( 559 ) 940- 6333 1416 Clovis Ave # 204 between Bullard & Shaw on Clovis Ave . sales @ thenickelclassifieds . com
www . NaturalNews For Information on the Dangers of Flouride , Chemtrails , Drones and many other topics that effect our futures !
1994 E420 Mercedes $ 2000.00 or trade for ??? ( 559 ) 283-6119
GET CASH FOR UNOPENED boxes of diabetic test strips . Top $$/ Shipping Paid ! ( 866 ) 800-1923SellYourTestStrips . com
www . InfoWars . com For Current Up to date News Tune in Daily !
OLDER STAND MIXER , Wanted . Complete with Dough Hooks and User Manual . Please Call ( 559 ) 394-0365
WANTED : DOGGY DOOR That sits in Patio Sliding Glass Door . ( 559 ) 432- 5050