Individuals, continued
Sue Martin
Stacy & Rusty Mathis
James Mayes
Terry McChristian
Patricia & James McClelland
Stephen McMahon
Cathy & Michael Moran
Janet & J.P. Morbeck
James Neu
Benjamin Nice
Mary Orellano
Patrecia Powell
Patricia Rasul
Jay Robison
Evelyn Rose
James Russ
Chris Schaffhauser
Ruby & Edward Settgast
Edward Taylor
Michelle & John Terry
Jeffrey Trowbridge
Bridget & Andrew Upchurch
John Warren
Angel & Drew Weber
Sarrah Wilson
Hardy Winburn
In Honor of Bill Bailey
by Scott Bailey
by David Blindman
by Rod Frizzell
In Honor of Bill Evrard
by Mary O’Rourke
In Honor of Jordan’s birthday party
by Nicole & Danny Burnett
by Michelle & John Terry
In honor of volunteers
by Doris & Mark Krain
In Memory of Kevin Fox
by Michael Fox
In Memory of George Murphy
by Denton Murphy
Cathedral of St. Andrew
Christ the King Catholic Church
Church of the Immaculate Conception
Our Lady of Holy Souls Catholic Church
St. Anne Catholic Church
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Pulaski Heights United Methodist Church
Calvary Baptist Church
AR Special Nutrition Program
City of Little Rock: Youth Program
HUD: Supportive Housing
HUD: Transitions
Non-Government Grants
3M Foundation
Community Shares
Heart of Arkansas United Way
Ottenheimer Brothers Foundation
United Way—CAFSI
Capital Donations
Amy Bressinck Bratcher
Kevin Bratcher
Karen & Joe Carter
Sharon & John Denery
Thomas Embach
Susan & Dave Hoffpauir
Lighthouse Group LLC
Melissa & James Cooper Riley Jr.
Jessica & Blake Rutherford
Billie & Skip Rutherford
Angel & Drew Weber
Mike White
Elizabeth & William Woodyard