Our House e-newsletter Spring 2015 | Page 35

In Honor of Don Riggin by Jackie Murphy In Honor of Dr. Suzanne Ross by Bobbye & Rabbi Eugene Levy In Honor of Alene & Leon Schlosser by Rebecca Wilson In Honor of Cheri Shelby by Toby Murry In Honor of Natalie & Brent Staley by Karen & Britt Skarda In Honor of Lisa Tallent by Brandon Moffitt In Honor of Judy & Glenn Vasser by Karen & Bill Taylor In Honor of Vicki Vasser by Karen & Bill Taylor Corporations Delta Dental of Arkansas Kutak Rock LLP Northrop Grumman Standard Gas Company Government AmeriCorps VISTA AR Special Nutrition Program City of Little Rock Reentry Program City of Little Rock Youth Program Dept. of AR Heritage—AR Arts Council DHS—AmeriCorps DHS—ESG Non-Government Grants Heart of Arkansas United Way United Way—CAFSI Organizations Delta Sigma Theta Society Tim Griffin for Congress Tie One On 2014 Rayni Bozynski In Honor of volunteers Kevin Bratcher by Doris & Mark Krain Charlotte Brown Lance Burns In Honor of Elaine & Gil Wootten Terry Cavenor by Ken Wagner Virginia Flynn & Joe Crow Lisbeth Ensminger Haney Contractors, LLC Congregations Tami & V. Rob Herndon III Cathedral of St. Andrew Culley Home Christ the King Catholic Church Church of the Immaculate Conception Cisne & Co., LLP Jennifer King Agency, Inc. Park Hill Christian Church Nicholas Leopoulos St. Anne Catholic Church Brenda Lundahl St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Sylvia Malek Nirvana Manning Brian Marsh Gina & Heath Moran Valerie Pruitt