Our House e-newsletter October & November 2013 | Page 9

After an immediate call for help, Our House supporters send an immediate response. Whew! You won‟t need to rush to the mailbox and fish out that rent check you mailed this morning, and you can close that Google Maps window where you‟ve been checking out rental trucks and storage lockers! After Our House‟s October 1st press release, community members responded right away. Some sent money to help VISTAs pay rent and bills until the living allowances returned. Others sent gift cards for Kroger, Walmart, and Target so VISTAs could get groceries and other necessities. All eleven VISTAs and our non-VISTA co-workers were immensely grateful and relieved that our community cared enough about the VISTAs‟ impact on Our House that you helped us have what we needed to continue our service. See the following page for a list of individuals and groups that donated to keep our VISTAs going while we waited for the return of our living allowance.