Our House e-newsletter October & November 2013 | Page 22
On the ride back to The Shelter, she said, confused about
where exactly she was and what was going to happen next, “I
have to leave tomorrow to go to my house. I won‟t get to see
you again.”
When I asked where she was going, I realized that she didn‟t
know. She was just confused. There wasn‟t a house where
she was going the next day. The move had already happened.
Her mom had made her bed, moved in her bag of clothes, and
checked into The Shelter while she had been out trick-ortreating.
When I left that night, she gave me about ten hugs. I kept telling
Left: Bert visits the Learning Center.
Right: On Halloween, In-Kind Donations VISTA Niki Hitt takes advantage of the
holiday drive materials overflowing her office space and makes a Santa‟s Elf costume
to match her surroundings.