Our House e-newsletter March & April 2014 | Page 20

Michelle Barnes, Housing Manager Our housing programs receive food from many different sources. We purchase some dairy products and frozen meats (chicken, hamburger patties, beef franks) from Sam’s. We receive more of our food items from Arkansas Food Bank and Potluck Rescue. Most of our food items are received from the community through the meal serving program and in-kind donations. Jackson Bittner, Community Engagement VISTA One of the biggest ways we get food for our residents is through our meal serving program. In this program groups from civic organizations, religious organizations, companies, or families purchase, prepare, and serve meals to our residents on a monthly basis. Jessica Key, CAFSI Case Manager The majority of our CAFSI (Central Arkansas Family Stability Institute) clients have SNAP benefits. A select group of our clients also receive free groceries twice a month through a partnership with Green Groceries. When a client’s food resources are running low, we provide a list of food pantries in the community or sometimes a food box from Our House’s pantry.