This year, Our House had 22 Summer AmeriCorps VISTAs serving in our
youth programs, Learning Center, and operations. Meet them on the
following pages as some of them share their favorite memories of their
summer of service.
2014 Graduate of Hendrix College,
Psychology BA
Favorite summer memory:
At the end of field trip days, the
Orange Team kids would fall asleep
on the way back to Our House. On
the window, on their neighbor, or
on their team leader, they were
sound asleep. It always assured me
that the kids had a blast, just like
we wanted.
Creative Writing Major, UALR
Favorite summer memory:
My favorite memory from this
summer was seeing one of the
shyest kids in our group come up
to me with the biggest smile on
her face to tell me how much fun
she was having and then run off
with the rest of the group, laughing.