Our House e-newsletter Late Summer 2014 | Page 23

Curtis hopes to find a way to bring additional kinds of therapy to Our House, specifically behavioral therapy to help kids who are having a hard time dealing with the problems and stress a family goes through when they become homeless. The barrier Curtis is facing is a hold on insurance provider numbers for specific kinds of therapy. When numbers are available again, Curtis hopes to apply for the number that will allow his company to provide behavioral therapy. Currently in Little Rock, all behavioral therapists require parents to bring their kids to the therapist’s office, something that is difficult for any working family and damaging to struggling ones. Our House has done the hardest part: we have the room. “It’s just a little bitty room in this incredible building,” Curtis says, “but it’s a big deal. It’s a really big deal.” Are you a behavioral therapist who’d like to work with our kids in our new Therapy Room? To see how you can help, e-mail mollie@ourhouseshelter.org. Curtis works with Karissa in the new Therapy Room of Our House’s Children’s Center. Left: In 2010, Curtis works with 2-year-old Cameron in the kitchen, where therapists used to see Our House clients.