by Melanie Brady-Hay, Family Life Summer VISTA
The Learning Center works hard to connect our clients with
potential employers. In the past, several wonderful companies
have partnered with the Learning Center to link job hopefuls with
employment, including U.S. Pizza, UAMS Campus Environmental
Services, Dizzy’s Gypsy Bistro, and Catering to You. These partners
of the Learning Center recruit candidates for employment from
the Our House residents and community members that use the
Learning Center.
The Learning Center supports our partners by pre-screening and
preparing candidates for the workplace. We offer practice job
interviews and advice, resume workshops, and job skills classes to
prime our clients for a healthy, productive working environment.
After this process, the Learning Center refers qualified clients to
our employer partners with open positions.
The Learning Center is excited to continue developing partnerships
with employers in the community. Many of our job seekers are
interested in the areas of housekeeping, child care, security, retail,
customer service, and clerical work. The Learning Center will
connect local employers with qualified individuals looking to
further the goals of your company or organization.
If you are an employer interested in tapping into a ready pool of
applicants, please contact Michelle at 501-374-7383 ext. 210 or
Top right: Lara Assaf, Education & Workforce VISTA, points out some opportunities
on the Job Board for Shundreka & explains how the Learning Center can help her
meet the jobs’ requirements. Right: Michelle Salgado Allen, Learning Center Manager,
studies resume samples and job search advice with Micah.